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Fun Family Spring Break Activities

With cold weather lifting and warm weather on the horizon, families are preparing for an exciting spring break. Instead of being surprised with bored faces on the first vacation day, plan your entire week with fun ideas that explore your neighborhood or just entertain you at home. Any budget works with simple ideas that are just plain fun for kids and adults.

Expand Your Mind

Keep everyone’s minds busy with enhancement activities over spring break. Visit a local museum you were meaning to see, from natural history to art. If you plan ahead of time, you could take advantage of free or discounted days, depending on the institution. Take a look at your community events. Many cities offer week-long art classes for kids, or even exercise classes for the entire family. Trying something new allows everyone to find a potential hobby that they may like to pursue in the future.

Road Trip

Take a road trip to a destination 100 miles away, for example. Many botanical gardens and fields are in bloom during spring break. Take a look at the flowers and plants. Afterward, eat at a local restaurant that locals enjoy. Take in a parade or other outdoor event as well. With spring break overlapping in many communities, there may be several events celebrating spring’s arrival.

Game Day

Rainy days do occur over spring break, but you can battle any boredom with game day. Set up several board games, and create a friendly competition amongst family and friends. Teach kids the art of chess, Parcheesi or Chinese checkers for a throwback to older game days. If you prefer video games, try a singing or band game that brings everyone together. Dancing games are perfect as well. The key is to have everyone involved for the most fun.

Get Close To Nature

You may be cooped up inside with work and school on most days, but spring break allows you to explore your neighborhood. Go outside and explore local mountains, beaches or parks. Walk out on a pier to watch the surfers and waves. Hike up into the mountains for a unique experience with nature. Because most of these activities are free, you save money while gaining a new view of the world.

Keep everyone mentally and physically active this spring break. By mixing different activities over several days, both kids and adults will be pleasantly surprised at how fast the week flies by.

Spring Break